The Globalworth Foundation donated 30,000 euros to the Narada association for the first online platform that gathers, in real time, the needs of teachers and pupils from Romania, generated by the pandemic context.
According to the latest data provided by, over 7,1000 schools and kindergartens are already in the red and yellow scenarios, which requires exclusively digital education. In this context, the Globalworth Foundation and Narada launched the first platform, in which the teachers can draw attention to the challlenges and needs they have in order to fit for the digital education. There was a strong need for fostering a high-performing digital platform to gather all the crowfunding projects in education, a platform where these project can be seen, understood and supported by the communities, mobilizing people and companies to facilitate education access for pupils.
The crowfunding platform has a very clear aim: to assist at least 10,000 pupils and 100 teachers. They could report tech needs such as digital equipment for classrooms, connectivity access, online calatogs and online security software, tech trainings for teachers, S.T.E.M. technology. After that, teachers can lauch their own fundraising projects in which they can mobilize their local communities, but not only, to join this mission.
With the same goal – to help digitalize schools in Romania – Globalworth Foundation provided Narada with a hub, a safe space where reconditioning and delivering tech equipment to the schools can be faster, more efficiently and in much safer conditions.