The Globalworth team, led by the Board places great importance on the roles of business ethics, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

We believe that such an approach leads to the creation of long-term value for Globalworth, our shareholders, our people, our community, the environment, and other stakeholders. We aim at ensuring that our progress in these areas is in line with Globalworth’s overall evolution.

For us, it is important to invest and create high-quality, safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly real estate spaces, in which people and business can flourish. For our partners to share our values and priorities, and for them to consider us as their preferred choice for collaboration.

We want to make a difference to the communities in which we live and operate, and in-turn for our communities to appreciate our efforts and be willing to be associated with the Globalworth initiatives.


We are committed advocates of adhering to the highest standards of ethical behaviour, and the importance and benefits of maintaining high environmental and sustainable standards.

Our Code of Conduct is a guide designed to help the Globalworth Group to connect with its values and provide expectations for our everyday behaviour. In addition, it provides guidance on how to conduct ourselves as Globalworth members when interacting with each other and our stakeholders.

Furthermore, we have in place several other policies, procedures and mechanisms, as part of its wider compliance system, aiming at ensuring effective implementation of the Group’s ethical behaviour and operations.

General Core Principles

These include general policies which apply to the Group and its professionals irrespective of their specific functions and responsibilities.

GDPR Policies

These include policies and measures to ensure that we comply and operate in line with the obligations required by the General Data Protection Regulation in the EU.

Departmental Policies & Procedures

These include policies and procedures addressing specific needs of certain departments and functions within the group aiming at ensuring consistency and quality of operations.

The most important policies are included below:

Code of Conduct


Globalworth is committed to reporting its annual Environmental, Social and Governance performance in a comprehensive and transparent way. The reporting is being prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option and with the European Public Real Estate Association’s and Sustainability Best Practice Reporting Recommendations (EPRA sBPR).


We are committed to supporting the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as they are designed to be the “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.

At Globalworth, together with our stakeholder, we have identified the topics with the most material economic, social and environmental impacts on our people, our communities and the environment and we “connect” them with the relevant SDGs.

By embracing those relevant to our business SDGs (highlighted below) and working towards their achievement, via specific programs, we have the opportunity to connect our business with national and global priorities.

1 No poverty
2 Zero hunger
3 Good health & Well-being
4 Quality education
5 Gender equality
6 Clean water & sanitation
7 Affordable & Clean energy
8 Decent work & economic growth
9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
10 Reduced inequalities
11 Sustainable cities & communities
12 Responsible consumption & production
13 Climate action
14 Life below water
15 Life on land
16 Peace, justice & strong institutions
17 Partnership for the goals


We participate annually in industry-recognized indices and ratings to track our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Below you will find the latest our results:

Rating agency rating




11.1 low risk (February 2024) 


A (January 2024)

Please note that other rating agencies may provide our ESG performance without receiving our feedback. This may lead in representing not the entire picture of our strategy.